Mini! Jesse saw this dog at a car rental place

He said we had to go back and see her. She looks just like our dog, Kiko, but she is smaller! Hard to believe. Although we haven’t seen Kiko in a while and Grammy and Grampy night have fattened her up by now. We may go back to a little chublet!
The first time we went to visit Mini- we sat and played with her for a long time. The kids would lay down and she’d jump up on their chests. She loved burying her face in Lennon’s curls, then biting them! We didn’t have a camera, so we asked Jesse to walk down later and take a photo (which he did.) Later on in the day- Em and I were packing up and the boys ran out to get some fruit shakes. They stopped by one more time to hang with Mini. Smallest dog I’ve ever seen and such a sweetheart.
If while reading this- any rat comments come to mind- I hope you know you just earned some bad karma points! ha




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